My journey across Asia

My seventh day

Stephan Piriwe
4 min readDec 10, 2015
The perfect picture for applying for a job! (Susanne and Jessye)

FOLLOW this link for Day 6

35 degrees celius and the sun was shining. I took a bus equipped with an air conditioner. This one was quite newer than the one the day before. I got off at the bus stop in the heart of the city (although there is no real city centre in Bangkok). It was typically crowded again and I strolled through the street markets, which were set up side by side.

Streets of Bangkok — on both sides street markets set up

I arrived at the canal where I got on a boat heading to my final destination.

the canal-boat trip

I liked the ride on the boat in which about 40 people could fit. Water splashed from the side and the “sailors” were preventing us from getting wet by holding a plastic cover. Once I arrived some strangers came up to me asking if I need help however I kept refusing as I knew their intentions very well. After a couple of blocks leaving I stumpled upon two guys: Susanne and Jessye from the states who laid over until their transfer flight.

We got on well and so we decided to spend some time together visiting the places. We went to the most important monuments across the old town. We visited some temple and I could demonstrate my haggling ability to them by getting some fruits for lower price. They seemed to be impressed!


I could demonstrate my haggling ability.

At the end I took them to the dessert shop I had been with Sam. We saw us off and I carried on to the Golden Mountain. At the top there was a temple on which particular parts were covered with a thin film of gold. I encountered many people. Some of them were tourists like me but others were worshipping. From the roof top I had an incredible view of the city. I stayed there for a while until I walked down. I then went back to the supposed bus stop, actually, not really having a clue where to go. All of a sudden a Thai offered his help. I told him where to go and he didn’t know too.

Nevertheless he was so kind and asked some people next to us.

Nevertheless he was so kind and asked some people next to us. Then he quickly wrote something in Thai on his smart phone of which I took a picture. That was the bus station I need to go and he told me to show this the bus driver. I got on the bus and headed to my apartment.

Kindly showed me the place to go!
The old palace

While I was riding the bus we got stuck in traffic for two hours. I asked the bus employee to tell me when I need to get off. However she forgot and I jumped off and one or two blocks from my supposed bus station. I was already getting dark and no bus was coming. I bought some delicous food at a stall and then pulled over a taxi that took me back to my apartment.

More pictures are below. Just scroll down.

Climbing up to the Golden Mountain
Golden Temple
I can’t remember.
Worshipping at a temple
Enormous candles and other stuff



Stephan Piriwe

Hi, I’m an Austrian who went to different places around the world. Now I want to share some of my stories with you. I will publish a story once in a while.